Geoff Collins

Geoff Collins grew up in Don Mills as the middle of five children. He went to Greenland Road Public School followed by 7th, 8th and 9th grades at Don Mills Junior High. Geoff left Don Mills Collegiate Institute with a Honours Diploma in June 1974. Geoff graduated from Ryerson Polytechnic University in 1977 with a Bachelor of Arts in Radio & Television Production. After working a while in the television broadcasting field Geoff went back to school at George Brown College graduating in 1980 with a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Tool & Die Making. That was the start of a career that included teaching CAD/CAM at George Brown for 7 years followed by various IT positions in small and medium-sized business' including 7 years at Ryerson, working again in the broadcasting field, sales work, ISO 9001 & 14385 implementations, senior IT management and various IT and business consulting gigs. While working at George Brown Geoff met and married Gail Rankin on September 25, 1982.
Geoff has notable hobby experience as a gear head owning more then 10 old motorcycles and a 1928 REO Speed Wagon truck. He also builds custom motorcycle parts and does wood working, fabricating all sorts on things in metals, fine art painting, heat treating, canoeing and hiking and generally having a good time. He is also a runner and a cyclist terrorizing the trails and roads of the city on foot and with mountain bikes, a custom-built fixie and a cross road bike. Geoff is a member of the XSNRG running club and a proud supporter of Kids Help Phone Jack Ride.
Gail and Geoff have one daughter, Alexandra, who is an graduate of the University of Waterloo in Management Engineering.
Geoff can be reached at 416 347-6963 or at